Last Mango Fishing Charters Video

Last Mango Fishing Charters

Truely a 'fishing machine', the Last Mango is a 40' MitchabitchCustom Sportfish Express that surpasses many larger boats with her superior stability and roominess."We Catch Big Fish- Experience the Excitement" !

Last Mango Fishing Charters
Provides fishing excitement that is customized for you
and your group.
We will personally discuss with you the type of trip that
best suits your needs and desires.
From the beginner to the advanced, we offer fishing adventures for any angler.
A typical full day trip can take you light tackle casting and
live bait fishing, to offshore trolling in the iridescent blue gulf stream waters.
Our boat is docked on the Indian River, just minutes from Fort Pierce Inlet and some of the most productive fishing waters in south Florida.


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