Current Adventures

Current Adventures Kayak School and Trips was started from humble beginnings in the Spring of 1994. Dan Crandall was the owner, founder, and only instructor at that time. Colleen McKinnon handled reservations, accounting and helping out everywhere else including lunch prep, driving shuttle, assisting on classes and putting up with Dan. Current Adventures offered river classes, touring classes, Eppies Great Race training, kid’s classes, rolling and much more. In some ways little has changed since the early days, but we’ve grown and added carefully selected people to our team.Robin King joined our staff in 1995 to help Colleen in the office. John Weed joined us then as well to help run the kid’s programs, as well as many of our touring and race training classes. In 1998 Denise Pane joined the team as our webmaster as well as graphics and newsletter consultant.Dan does less teaching these days and more trying to run a business. Some veterans who are still with us are John Weed on kid’s programs, touring and race training classes; Paul Camozzi, Bill Van der Ven and Kim Parrino on our touring outings; Kim Sprague on touring and river stuff; Jason Bates and Gigi McBee as lead whitewater instructors and international river guides. Jason continues to be our lead on the river, and helps now with instructor training and recruitment as well as content contributor for Gigi is our lead Swiftwater Rescue instructor now as well as The River Store Manager.
There are many more people I plan to mention, and much more history down the river. This will be a continuing saga as I take time to revisit the folks who have helped us come this far and explore so many places in the world. There are our friends whom we have shared so many of these experiences with, and whose lives have become intertwined with ours and the paddling lifestyle. It’s a fascinating journey and we are always looking for new folks to join us.

Cheers! Dan Crandall,  owner/paddler


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