Port Canaveral Fishing

Port Canaveral Fishing

Captain Brent Hancock
Obsession Fishing Charters, Port Canaveral Florida
Canaveral has been the home for Captain Brent Hancock for well over twenty years and a favorite spot for anglers to come and fish on his boat The Obsession. Capt. Brent's boat is well known as a top producer and often coming to the dock with a great catch almost daily showing on the fish hanging board atSunrise Marina next to it's Grills Restaurant and it's Tiki Bar.
Port Canaveral Fishing Tournament Captain
Brent enjoys competing in local fishing tournaments out of Port Canaveral. He's been a consistant scorer in many of the large fishing circuits like the Southern Kingfish Association Tournament (SKA) orLocally sponsored fishing tournaments in the greater Orlando, Florida and Brevard County area. Here's a list of some Space Coast Fishing Tournaments that Captain Brent has competed in.
Cobia Jamborie 1st (1991) & 3rd in a following year.
SKA (Port Canaveral) 2nd
FSFA Grand Prize, 2nd place Top Boat, Top Lady Anglers (3 yrs.) 1st place Cobia
"Much of my success in tournaments and in my everyday fishing is due to my years of local knowledge of our waters and areas combined with using livebaiting techniques that I've refined over time and of course a little luck and patience." explains Captain Brent when asked about his fishing experience.
When Brents not fishing (which is rare), you may find him trekking up north to his hunting camp for a few weeks a year where he's at home hunting whitetail deer, hiking and scouting the woods, loading feeders and sitting by the camp fire. His enthusiam for the outdoors carries over into almost all areas of his life.
Being born and raised on Florida's west coast Brent quickly swapped over it's East Coast for it's spectacular and diverse fishing. Living in Tampa for his youngest years, Brent often visited family and friends on the Atlantic side and found these waters "more to his liking", according to Brent himself.
"I've always enjoyed the fishing on the east coast where there seems to be a more diverse fishery from deep sea palegics like king mackerel and dolphin to benthic bottom fish like snapper and grouper. While the fishing has changed over the years, I've responded by changing my fishing tactics and following the fisheries more closly."
Sightfishing for cobia is probably Brent's favorite type of fishing which more often starts in the spring around March (depending on water temperatures) and continues into the early summer. "It's a kick when you find loads of fish on a big manta ray and present baits and lures to these tremendous fish. Many anglers have never had the opportunity to cast at large free swimming fish and have them attack with such ferousity as a cobia does often."

Contact Captain Brent



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