Nicholson Yacht Charter & Services Caribbean Yacht Charter: How it all started by Desmond Nicholson How did it happen? Well, you see my father, the Commander, was in the Royal Navy and the family followed his appointments, when feasible, to be near him. In wartime, it was possible to rent unfurnished houses, but impossible to find furnished houses. So what did we do? Well, we bought a yacht, cheap – a beautiful 70 ft schooner of 1903 vintage. We didn’t want the yacht, nobody did in wartime, but this lovely one, the Mollihawk, was lying in a mud berth on the Dart and she was FURNISHED! We bought the yacht just for the knives, forks and spoons, linen and blankets – all the things that were impossible to find, for one needed ration books to buy them in the shops if one could. So we bought the yacht to furnish a house near Plymouth, Devon, England. After the war, when we two lads came out of the services, the Commander had already started refitting Mollih...