Barracudaville Fishing Charters

Captain Mark Maloney, Owner Website Captain Mark Maloney began his “charter” service in 1972 at the age of eight. His equipment was a ten foot aluminum Jon boat, the classic “Red Flyer Wagon” as the trailer, the famous Zebco 202, and a Maxwell House coffee can filled to the brim with worms. After a short hour or so pull on that rusty red wagon, we were off to another new adventure around every bend on that seemingly never ending winding creek. As one of the luckiest kids on the planet Mark had the opportunity to “assist” his granddad on his tugboat, the Atlantic 5. Being an eight year old on a tug piloting enormous tankers into port was an unforgettable way to get your feet wet in the maritime world. Fishing with his dad aboard the Lucky Strike II out of Cape May, New Jersey was another fantastic way to grow up and learn the intricacies of our oceans and sport fishing. To become a third generation captain in our family was an obvious choice. After a minor league ba...